
GroovyかつEthnicでTribalなPsyTrance, Chillout, Ambientをプレイ。
2003年 Blue Note Tokyo系列のMotion Blue yokohamaを拠点とし、DJやLive、イベントオーガナイズを行う。
2008年 Sony MusicよりCDリリース。
2020年 インドGOAにてDJツアーを行う。
2021年 天王洲を舞台としたイベント"TENNOZ HARBOR CONCERT"プロジェクト始動。
2023年 PsyTrance & Techno crew "OUROBOROS"にジョイン。
またプライベートスタジオ (3SOL Studio) の運営や、多様なビジネスのプロデュースを手がけている。
[DJ schedule]
▶︎ https://lit.link/kgee
▶︎ https://www.instagram.com/dj.kgee
▶︎ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCockngwlQnb4sx5-YzCHJCQ
Born in Shonan, Kanagawa Prefecture.
At the age of three he started playing the piano and had a childhood soaked in music. As a teenager, he was in a band while always being into music.
In 1996 he started his career as a professional DJ/event organizer at club SEVEN, Azabu, Tokyo.
He plays groovy psytrance, chillout and ambient with ethnic and tribal tastes.
HIs theme is making comfortable spatial design with exciting and cosmic sound.
HIs activities range widely from selecting music at big clubs with live music, traditional hotels, brand shops, restaurants, fashion shows and galleries to live sessions with various musicians.
And also involved in promotions and producing for companies, media and commercial establishments.
In 2003, performed DJ and live and organized events based in Motion Blue yokohama, an affiliate club of Blue Note Tokyo.
In 2008, released a CD with Sony Music.
In 2011, started a monthly party called Nereides on the cruise ship Jicoo around Tokyo Bay.
In 2020, did a dj tour in Goa, India.
In 2021, started the event project “TENNOZ HARBOR CONCERT” situated in Tennoz.
In 2023, joined a PsyTrance & Techno crew OUROBOROS.
KGee also operates a private studio (3SOL Studio) and produces various businesses.